8H00 – 16H30
Abidjan | Cocody 2 Plateaux
7è Tranche en face de Georges V
L’association de la théorie et de la pratique caractérise le modèle allemand de la formation professionnelle, très demandé à l’international.
What to do after College, The answer isn’t to get a real job! Unemployment rates remain high in lots of countries. Even in the US, where the job market is currently strong, unemployment for those with a recent Bachelor’s degree or higher was 3.9 percent in December 2019.
“This is 2020. Why are we still talking about discipline?” asks Joanne Robertson-Eletto, a professor in the Master of Science in Teaching Literacy program at Touro College’s Graduate School of Education.
As a librarian, there are certain moments that stick with me. When one of my students unexpectedly gave me a mutinous look, I knew it was the start of one of them.
In just a few short weeks, the normal educational schedule was thrown into chaos. Schools, colleges and universities were faced with complete shut down - no pupils, no teachers and a significantly reduced ability to deliver lessons in a meaningful way.